

This scheme can assist in hosting or attendance at a national or international event

Name of Club/Assoc.
Contact Nameyour full name
Contact Address
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Telephone Number
Alt Telephone Number
National or Regional Body to which your Club/Association is affiliated?
Have you applied to Fife Council's Community Grants Scheme?See Note 1
Have you applied for any other funding? If so, to whom and what was the sum awarded?
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BreakdownPlease provide a breakdown of what the funding will be used for: (see note 5)
ProjectPlease give details of any course title, dates, duration etc….
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Supporting informationPlease provide any other information you think will support your application
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By signing this application you on behalf of your club affirm that the information is complete and accurate and that you agree to the terms & conditions previously stated.

  Grants cannot be awarded to closed clubs e.g. school clubs, factory clubs or sports clubs who operate for profit

  Kirkcaldy & Central Fife Sports Council should be mentioned in any publicity material that may be produced in relation to this award. The Sports Council reserves the right to publicise any award without further reference to the club or yourself

  All grant awards are made at the discretion of the Sports Council’s Grants or Management Committee whose decision is final.

Signedyour full name
Countersignedyour full name

Club/Association Development Grant

To be eligible for this Sports Council grant, Clubs and Associations must consider the following:

1. Ensure that your funding request is not covered by the Fife Council’s Community Grant Scheme. You will not be eligible for both a Sports Council grant and Fife Council grant. The Sports Council can assist you with this enquiry.

2. Consideration will be given to sports which are not necessarily recognised through Sportscotland. The Sports Council will give consideration to Clubs or Associations who participate in a non-recognised sport whose application may have been unsuccessful via Fife Council’s Grant Scheme.

3. Clubs, Associations or Individuals can seek funding to either attend or host an event at either local, national or international level e.g. twinning events

4. Attendance at an event must be by competitive qualification or invitation. Which must be sent with the application

5. The maximum grant available will be £200 or an amount as agreed at the discretion of the Sports Council’s Management Committee

6. Applications must be submitted prior to the event – retrospective applications will not be considered.
