Join The Sports Council

Kirkcaldy & Central Fife Sports Council Overview

Local Sports Development and Promotion

The Kirkcaldy & Central Fife Sports Council (KCFSC) is a local, independent body committed to the enhancement and promotion of sports across Kirkcaldy, Auchtertool, Levenmouth, Burntisland, Kinghorn, Glenrothes, Leslie, Kennoway, and Windygates in Fife. It gains support from Fife Council and operates through the efforts of volunteers from the local sports community. These individuals offer a broad spectrum of knowledge, skills, and expertise.

Membership and Club Support

Clubs with established governance structures, such as a constitution, elected committee, governing body affiliation, and ClubFife membership, are encouraged to join KCFSC. Additionally, support is provided to clubs requiring assistance in developing their governance.

Benefits of Membership

  1. Grant Aid & Assistance: Funding is available for club development and special projects where KCFSC grant criteria are met. Training funding for coaches is provided by Fife Council and Sportscotland.
  2. Club Development: Assistance includes growing membership, guidance on governance, marketing, publicity, and more.
  3. Training: Subsidised courses in child wellbeing & protection in sport, First Aid, etc., are offered.
  4. Annual Awards Ceremony: Held every March to celebrate sport and physical activity. Members are invited to nominate candidates from November to January.
  5. Information & Representation: Regular promotion of member clubs, facilitating links with schools and community hubs. Member clubs are represented on the Sports Council Executive Committee.
  6. Partnerships: Collaboration to link local sports clubs with schools and the public.
  7. Competition: Opportunities to participate in inter-sports council events organised by Scottish Club Sport.

Objectives of the Sports Council

  • Promoting Local Sport: Encouraging interest and participation in the Kirkcaldy & Central Fife area.
  • Creating Opportunities: Collaborating with Fife Council for sustainable, community-based sport opportunities.
  • Inter-Club Cooperation and Networking: Encouraging collaboration among amateur sports clubs and organisations.
  • Representing Local Sport: Advocating for local sports clubs and their needs.
  • Developing New Clubs: Assisting in the formation of new sports clubs.
  • Encouraging Participation: Supporting continuous participation in sport with Fife Council’s help.
  • Influencing National Programmes: Working with national organisations for local implementation of national plans.
  • Examining Available Facilities and Actual Needs: Assessing sports facilities against currentand future needs, and making representations to Fife Council and other relevant bodies.
  • Promoting and Supporting Events: Encouraging competitions, championships, and various social or other events.
  • Attracting Funding and Distributing Awards: Identifying and securing additional funding for sport, including the distribution of available grant awards.
  • Promoting Social Inclusion: Utilising sport to benefit the community and promote social inclusion in the Kirkcaldy & Central Fife area.

Core Themes of the Sports Council

  • Promoting Local Sport: Fostering a vibrant sports culture in the area.
  • Creating Opportunities: Developing sustainable sporting opportunities in collaboration with Fife Council.
  • Inter-Club Cooperation and Networking: Strengthening ties between various amateur sports clubs and organisations.
  • Representing Local Sport: Serving as the voice for local sports clubs and advocating for their needs.
  • Developing New Clubs: Aiding in the establishment of new sports clubs to meet emerging needs.
  • Encouraging Participation: Promoting ongoing engagement in sports activities.
  • Influencing National Programmes: Collaborating with national bodies to support local sports initiatives.
  • Examining Available Facilities and Actual Needs: Assessing and addressing the needs for sports facilities in the area.
  • Promoting and Supporting Events: Organising and backing various sports events and competitions.
  • Attracting Funding and Distributing Awards: Securing and allocating funds for the advancement of local sports.
  • Promoting Social Inclusion: Leveraging sport as a means to foster community integration and social inclusion.

Contact us for more information or alternatively you can join by completeing the online application form – click here

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