Annual Awards – 8th March 2018
The 10th annual Kirkcaldy and Central Fife Sports Council Awards will take place at Fife College in Kirkcaldy on Thursday 8th March 2018.
Nominations have now closed for this years event.
Invitations have now been sent out to clubs, we would love to see as many member clubs present as possible to help celebrate what has been a fantastic year in the sporting calendar for Kirkcaldy and Central Fife Sports Council clubs.
2017 Award Categories:
- Junior Award (Those born 2002 or later) – This award is made to an individual who has achieved consistent high levels of performance over the past year and recognises their sporting achievements at National or International level.
- Youth Award (Those born between 1997 and 2001 inclusive) – This award is made to an individual aged between 16 and 21 who has achieved consistent high levels of performance over the past year and recognises their sporting achievements at National or International level.
- Senior Award (Those born 1996 or earlier) – This award is made to an individual aged 21 and over who has achieved consistent high levels of performance over the past year and recognises their sporting achievements at National or International level.
- Disability award – This award is made to an individual with a disability who has achieved consistent high levels of performance over the past year, and recognises their sporting achievements at National or International level.
- Coach of the year Award – This award is designed to recognise the coaching achievements of an individual who has made an outstanding contribution to the performance of their club members.
- Junior/Youth Team Award (Team members born 1997 or later) – This award is made to a team who have had a significant achievement in their sport over the past year and have shown consistently high levels of enthusiasm and dedication. This team will have brought distinction to their club which will be affiliated to the Kirkcaldy and Central Fife Sports Council.
- Team Award – This award is made to a team who have had the best team achievement in their sport over the past year and have shown consistently high levels of enthusiasm and dedication. This team will have brought distinction to their club which will be affiliated to the Kirkcaldy and Central Fife Sports Council.
- Service to Sport Award – This award is made to an individual (Coach, Official or Administrator) for their voluntary contribution to sport in the Kirkcaldy and Central Fife Area over a lengthy period and by doing so helped to develop sport locally.
We have also introduced 2 new award for this year, and both are relating to school sports:
- Services to School Sport Award – designed to recognise an individual volunteer who has given exceptional service to sport in Schools and in doing so helped offer new opportunities and develop sport locally.
- Youth Volunteer Award – designed to recognise an individual who is in full time education and has shown great dedication and commitment to ensure sporting opportunities are available in their local community. Must reside within the Central Fife boundary. Must be in full-time education and up to 25 years of age.
Anyone requiring more information regarding the awards please contact us –
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