The annual Kirkcaldy and Central Fife Sports Council awards are held in March each calendar year.

Nominations for the 2024 awards are now CLOSED
Thanks to everyone who has nominated!

2024 Award Categories:

Junior Award
(Those born 2009 or later) – This award is made to an individual who has achieved consistently high levels of performance over the past year and recognises their sporting achievements at either National or International level.

Youth Award
(Those born between 2004 and 2008 inclusive) – This award is made to an individual aged between 16 and 21 who has achieved consistently high levels of performance over the past year and recognises their sporting achievements at National or International level.

Senior Award
(Those born 2003 or earlier) – This award is made to an individual aged 21 and over who has achieved consistently high levels of performance over the past year and recognises their sporting achievements at either National or International level.

Para Athlete Award
This award is made to the para athlete who has achieved consistently high levels of performance over the past year and recognises their sporting achievements at National or International level.

Coach of the Year Award
This award is designed to recognise the coaching achievements of an individual who has made an outstanding contribution to the performance of their club members.

Junior/Youth Team Award (Team members born 2004 or later)
This award is made to a team who have had a significant achievement in their sport over the past year and have shown consistently high levels of enthusiasm and dedication. This team will have brought distinction to their club which will be affiliated to the Kirkcaldy and Central Fife Sports Council.

Senior Team Award (Team members born 2003 or earlier)
This award is made to a team who have had the best team achievement in their sport over the past year and have shown consistently high levels of enthusiasm and dedication. This team will have brought distinction to their club which will be affiliated to the Kirkcaldy and Central Fife Sports Council.

Club of the Year 
Awarded to the Club that has progressed and enhanced its development for the benefit of its members and the wider local community. The Club has brought distinction to its members and will be affiliated to the Sports Council.

Service to Sport Award
This award is made to an individual (Coach, Official or Administrator) for their voluntary contribution to sport in the Kirkcaldy and Central Fife Area over a lengthy period and by doing so helped to develop sport locally.

Closing date for nominations was Sunday 12th January 2025

Fife Today Features for 2024 Awards

Ken White & George MacDonald – Click Here

Athletics/Para athlete, Ben Sandilands – Click Here

Volleyball, Ally Jack – Click Here

Kuk Sool Won (martial arts), Graeme Temple – Click Here

Curling, Bev Creevy (Kirkcaldy Curling School) – Click Here

Cricket, Nic Krzyzanowski (Glenrothes Cricket Club) – Click Here

Highland Dancing, Danielle Law – Click Here

Past Winners, Craig Easton – Click Here

Football, Liz Anderson – Click Here

Last Chance to Nominate – Click Here


Previous Award Winners

2023 Award Winners

2021/22 Award Winners

2019 Award Winners

2018 Award Winners

2017 Award Winners

2016 Award Winners

2015 Award Winners

2014 Award Winners

2013 Award Winners

2012 Award Winners

2011 Award Winners

2010 Award Winners

2009 Award Winners

2008 Award Winners