
Grant Aid

The policy of the Sports Council is to assist members to explore all funding opportunities and we will be happy to advise you on the most appropriate sources of funding for your individual and club’s needs.

There are many sources of grant aid and funding available to sports clubs and individuals through various avenues including Fife Council, local organisations and national bodies. The Sports Council (KCF) is committed to helping members achieve funding to better aid individuals and club development.

Once a suitable potential source of funding has been identified, we can help you to develop and submit your application.

Kirkcaldy & Central Fife Sports Council can consider the award of small grants where no other sources of funding are available.

Our Chairman, in consultation with a Sports Development Officer from Fife Council, has put together what we hope will be a useful document on where to obtain grants and fundraising ideas.

Coach, Official & Volunteering Grant Application

Development Grant Application

Events Grant Application

Additional Funding